Karl & Tini - Poodle

From Ms.Vasallo Mr.Cruz (From Miami)
New home for Tini (Click for Video) / Karl (Click for Video)
I cannot begin to tell you how in love we are with these two. On the morning of the 14 we picked up Tini and Karl from the airport they where a little dirty but oh so happy happy happy to see us. They are so alert that you would have never know they where in such a long flight. Immediately they are very well. We gave both a bath upon arrival and let me tell you Karl hates the blow dryer so much he woke everyone up in the house at
4:00 am.
Tini loves the warm air from the blow dryer.
They are already running around the house and loving all of the attention.
We are so thankful to you and your company for being so attentive and answering the many concerns I had.
Thank you thank you thank you
Sanny Vasallo and Zairis Cruz